Dino, Wong Yan Chun 黃殷俊 HKSC
Cinematographer. Filmmaker. Storyteller.
近年的攝影指導作品有電視劇《二月廿九》及《教束》。亦曾為電影《五個小孩的校長》 及 中國版《解憂雜貨店》 擔任B機攝影師,於2018年憑香港旅發局廣告《尋覓。心水寶》系列獲得香港廣告商會金帆獎攝影獎。
Leap Day《二月廿九》(TV Series) (director of photography) (Directed by Steve Law 羅嘉駿)
Vanguard《急先鋒》(C camera operator) (Directed by Stanley Tong)(Cinematographer Lee Chi Wah, Chris)
Hong Kong Tourism Board - Discovery Hong kong.com《尋覓.心水寶》 Sham Shui Po Series (Short)(director of photography) (Directed by《點五步》導演Steve Chan Chi Fat)
Treasures of the Heart - The Camera (Short)\
Treasures of the Heart - The Chair (Short)
Treasures of the Heart - The Button (Short)
Treasures of the Heart - White sugar sponge cake (Short)
榮獲 2018 KAM FAN AWARDS 香港廣告商會金帆廣告大獎
Design & Crafts - Film Craft Single - Cinematography

《教束》 (TV Series)(director of photography)(Directed by《點五步》
編劇 黃智揚 Nihat Wong)(監製:《點五步》導演陳志發)
《仇老爺爺 》Haters Gonna Stay (TV Series)(director of photography)
(Directed by 游學修)
Namiya 《解憂雜貨店》 (華語版) (B camera operator)
(Cinematographer Lee Chi Wah, Chris, Directed by 韩杰)
《賤民20》 (TV Series)(director of photography)
(Directed by Alan Lau Kin Lun )
3 X 1 《三一如三》 (TV Series)(director of photography)
(Directed by《點五步》導演Steve Chan Chi Fat & Fan Wing Sang)
Extraordinary Misson 《非凡任务》 (C camera operator)
(Cinematographer Anthony Pun Yiu Ming,
Directed by Anthony Pun Yiu Ming & 麥兆輝 Alan Mak)
Little Big Master 《五個小孩的校長》 (B camera operator)
(Cinematographer Anthony Pun Yiu Ming, Directed by Adrian Kwan)